
July 11, 2023


Studies reveal that human beings have thousands of thoughts per day. More specifically, researchers have found that we have about 6,200 thought worms daily – or patterns of consecutive thoughts that come together.

A shocking 80% of these thoughts have been shown to be negative. Even more shocking is that 95% of this thinking is repeating day after day. This negative thinking takes over the brain if we aren’t conscious, and many people aren’t aware this is happening within their own mind.

When your brain connects to these thoughts of pessimism and negativity, deeply seeded limiting beliefs about yourself are formed and reaffirmed. Examples of this include “I’m not good enough”, “I’m not worthy”, “I’m unlovable”.

This repetitive thought pattern is self-sabotaging, creating an environment in which our body believes the negativity to be true because everything that happens to us emotionally or psychologically also happens to our body.

Our body doesn’t know the difference between a thought and an actual event because every part of us is connected. Consequently, the body starts following this illusory show created by our mind, and is now led down the path of depletion as energy is shifted from a sense of wholeness and order into a state of disorder. Soon, symptoms such as anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue, and more may begin to arise within us. Thus, when we think better, we naturally start to feel better. Our body literally keep tabs of our thinking and reacts accordingly.

So, how do we release this “emotional baggage”?? Fortunately, science confirms that our brain is neuroplastic, and we have the ability to reorganize and reprogram our mind to think positively. This ultimately creates a better sense of self, leading to less anxiety, stress, depression, better resilience to the outer world, and improved overall health.

There are many modalities and tools that can help you achieve this positive transformation, including increasing self-awareness, journaling, setting intentions, mindfulness, meditation, and neurofeedback.

Choose a technique that resonates with you and make a commitment to yourself to overcome the feelings of negativity. Why not start rewiring your brain today, and begin transforming your life with the power of positive thinking and feeling?

Let’s break this vicious cycle to create more positivity and opportunities in our lives.

At Koherence, we help clients create an action plan to navigate into a better, more fulfilling life and activate their highest potential.

Contact us to schedule your free 15-minute consultation to see how we can help you start living your best life!

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