
Mar 21st, 2022


Are you feeling anxious, stressed, or in a toxic relationship?

Are you finding it hard to know the right next step?

The first step is to recognize and have awareness of the stress, trauma, and/or toxicity that is affecting your life.

The stress and anxiety related to trauma can dramatically affect your brain, especially if you are in a toxic relationship and are continually experiencing the same emotions and stressors on a daily basis. It’s a vicious cycle that affects your brain health and your overall well being.

Sadly, I’m meeting more and more people that share my same story of the “toxic relationship”. Many have come to me not knowing how to cope or how to leave the situation, while others are coming in just feeling “stressed” but unaware of how their relationship may be affecting their brain and subsequent health. 

From personal experience, I understand the conflict, the fear, and the consequences of not choosing yourself and the effects these choices have on your brain and overall health.

Fortunately, I’ve come out on the other side and am grateful to now be able to see the experience as a distant memory. And, despite the continued actions of the other, I have chosen to disengage and live my best life because no one can take that away from me. I get to choose my well being first. And so do you! 

I want everyone to find the courage to stand in their truth despite the outer noise so they can heal their brain and bodies. We all deserve that freedom. We all deserve wholeness and health.

The next step after awareness is to get out of the flight or fight stress response so you can make decisions from a place of certainty and love towards yourself. We understand this can be hard, especially if you’ve been under the throws of trauma/stress for long periods of time.

Remember, each moment offers us an opportunity to choose whether we want to enter fear and victimhood or embrace love and gratitude. 

We can’t control the actions of others, their tantrums, or their emotional process/outburts. The only thing in our control is our chosen reaction to seeming unfairness or wounding. 

As Viktor Frankl says in Man’s Search for Meaning:

“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way”

With the current state of the world, we all need a way to find our center, stay calm, and cope with stressors. It truly is OUR choice how we want to respond in each moment.

Here at KOHERENCE, we help you conquer seeming anxiety and stress so you can live a better you and make choices that SERVE YOU. Pain is inevitable, but the suffering is optional. Let’s stop the suffering.

Call or Email us today for a free 15 minute consultation to see if we can help you find relief.

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