
Client Testimonials


"I suddenly developed moderate to severe symptoms from anxiety and stress...After just a few sessions, my tremors and palpitations disappeared, and I was calmer and had more energy. Now, I feel amazing, uplifted, and so incredibly grateful..."
"My son was struggling with ADHD and was put on medication. He was also being teased at school and shutting down...after every session with Dr. Sita, my son was immediately different, happier, more talkative, less anxious, more loving...his grades improved and we were able to start weaning off his medication...Dr. Sita has been such a blessing for us!"
"Words can’t describe how incredible it has been to work with Dr. Sita...Not only did she do an amazing job building trust with my daughter with her personal gifts of connecting, Dr. Sita was able to lift my daughter's spirits...She has moved away from the depression and negative self talk to a confident young lady that believes she has purpose...Dr. Sita has transformed my daughter's life...we will forever be grateful for the work she has done..."
Jan 2022
"I highly recommend Dr. Kinnari Sita. She's amazing. She helped resolve my headaches...the sessions also relieved my shooting leg pain and my difficulty focusing. I always feel great after seeing her."
Dec. 2022
"I was struggling with chronic fatigue and anxiety, going from doctor to doctor without any answers or help. Dr. Sita gave me so much hope and helped me worked through my symptoms, allowing me to enjoy life again."
Coming Soon
Jan 2023
Coming Soon
Feb 2023
Coming Soon
Jun 2023